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MikuMikuDance Fan Club

    【Link Free】 Private Laboratory Neo-Tech-Lab.co.uk
【Reporter】 ☆Tomoaki Ueda☆
Created Date:2008/03/11
Updated Date:2008/03/15
Last Updated Date:2011/06/13
Welcome to Neo-Tech-Lab.co.uk.

【Google Chrome is the best browser】

●Let's download the latest version of Chrome here.


Now, no article on this issue.

Mariel by Mr. Kanihira
■ 1st June, 2011 ■
New article

【How to create the multi-models movie】

Rhea-sama by Mr. Kanihira
■ 27th May, 2011 ■
New article

【How to create the movie data for uploading to YouTube】

UsaUsa by Mr. Kanihira
■ 26th May, 2011 ■
New article

【How can you use Kinect on MikuMikuDance?】

Do you know that MikuMikuDance Ver.7.xx has the automatic function for teaching your motions to your favorite model with Kinect Sensor?
Kinect Sensor is the product of Microsoft. It is the motion cature sensor for XBOX360. The price is under USD $150.
This has the USB interface. So you can directly connect your Windows machine without XBOX360.
If you install OpenNI by yourself, you can enjoy Kinect motion teaching on MikuMikuDance.
OpenNI is the open-source-freeware. I have written how to install OpenNI into your computer.

【YouTube Movie】Author: Yu Higuchi

■ 18th February, 2010 ■

How to load your favorite basic model

How to load basic stage

How to put accessory on model

How to use screen capture mode

■ 18th February, 2010 ■
New article

How to make Movie data

■ 10th February, 2010 ■(Edited)
■ 16th January, 2010 ■

【What is MikuMikuDance?】

   'MikuMikuDance' is the name of the freeware tool to create the 3D-CG (3 Dimentional Computer Graphics) movie. It works on Windows machine (XP, Vista, Windows7 etc.). Everybody can use MikuMikuDance freely. The URL for downloading is here (VPVP : Vocaloid Promotion Video Project). The handle name of the author is Yu Higuchi. But Yu Higuchi might not be his real name. The real name is under wraps. Perhaps he could be one of the feverish fans of 'Higurashi-no-naku-koroni' and his real name could be similar to Yu Higuchi. I think so. The reason is... Huuuummmm. Please check this URL. You could understand that the domain name is very similar to VPVP. He seems to like programming the network games regarding 'Higurashi-no-naku-koroni' very much. In Japanese the mania is called as 'Chuu'. HiguChuu = URL name => Higuchi Yuu ==> (English Name) Yu Higuchi. Oh! Similar sound! But it is just my estimation.
Then I and my Web Agent program 'Miku' had estimated that his real name might be YuXX HigX after browsing over 500 web pages. But we have no way to confirm it.
Yu Higuchi said that he made MikuMikuDance for only about 70 hours in order to create 3D-CG movie easily because Blender is too hard to do so. He is still continuing to improve MikuMikuDance. Now it has 7 default models, some accessaries and a stage data. And you can add your favorite user models, other accessaries and other stage data into it.
   You can download three MikuMikuDance programs here (VPVP).
      1. MikuMikuDance (English Ver.1.30 1MB)
      2. MikuMikuDance (Multi Model Edition) (English Ver.5.22a 5MB)
         This version can make two or more models move. And it has the bullet physical engine.
      3. MikuMikuDance (Multi Model Edition) (English Ver.7.00 5MB)
         If you have the recent PC (vista or windows7), you can enjoy MikuMikuDance at the real time speed because it uses DirectX 9.0c. This version also has the bullet physical engine.
I recommend Multi Model Edition Ver.7.00. The reason is that it can display 7 models and the stage at the real time speed (over 10 frames per second) if your computer would be vista or windows7.
MikuMikuDance uses DirectX9.0c. So if your computer would not have the feature, you might see the message written 'not found d3dx9_32.dll' after your executing MikuMikuDance Ver.7.00. In this case you need download Microsoft End User Runtime (about 70MB) here.
If your computer is a XP machine, I recommend MikuMikuDance Ver.5.22a.

■ 16th January, 2010 ■

【I can't read Japanese menu. How can I use MikuMikuDance?】

No problem. MikuMikuDance has the English menu mode. Click the right menu word (H). Let's change the menu mode into English.

■ 16th January, 2010 ■
【How can you show any MikuMikuDance model up?】

1) Let's click the button named as 'load' in the model manipulation box. Dialog will be shown up.
2) Select your favorite model. And click the button named as 'open'.
3) You will see the copyright message. Please click 'Ok' button.

■ 16th January, 2010 ■
【How can you use MikuMikuDance?】

At first, please see the tutorial movies. This web page has the big YouTube movie screen on the page top. You can find the button named as 'MikuMikuDance Tutorial Movies'. Click it! You can see 4 tutorial movies (English).
If you click the movie thumbnail, you can see the movie.

■ 16th January, 2010 ■
【How can you make Miku walk?】

Edit 0-frame
Step1) Click the number 0 on the time scale.
Step2) Click the button named as 'select all' in the bone manipulation box.
Step3) Click the button named as 'register' in the bone manipulation box.

Edit 5th-frame
Step4) Click the number 5 on the time scale.
Step5) Select Center Bone
Step7) Move it
Step8) Select Left leg IK bone
Step9) Move it
Step10) Click the button named as 'select all' in the bone manipulation box.
Step11) Click the button named as 'register' in the bone manipulation box.

Edit 10th-frame
Step12) Click the number 10 on the time scale.
Step13) Select Center Bone
Step14) Move it
Step15) Select Left leg IK bone
Step16) Move it
Step17) Click the button named as 'select all' in the bone manipulation box.
Step18) Click the button named as 'register' in the bone manipulation box.

Edit 15th-frame
Step19) Click the number 15 on the time scale.
Step20) Select Center Bone
Step21) Move it
Step22) Select Right leg IK bone
Step23) Move it
Step24) Click the button named as 'select all' in the bone manipulation box.
Step25) Click the button named as 'register' in the bone manipulation box.

Edit 20th-frame
Step26) Click the number 20 on the time scale.
Step27) Select Center Bone
Step28) Move it
Step29) Select Right leg IK bone
Step30) Move it
Step31) Click the button named as 'select all' in the bone manipulation box.
Step32) Click the button named as 'register' in the bone manipulation box.

Edit 25th-frame
Step33) Click the number 25 on the time scale.
Step34) Select Center Bone
Step35) Move it
Step36) Select Right leg IK bone
Step37) Move it
Step38) Click the button named as 'select all' in the bone manipulation box.
Step39) Click the button named as 'register' in the bone manipulation box.

Now you have finished the bone manipulation data between frame-0 and frame-25.
Ok. Let's try to check them.

Input 0 and 25 into two textboxes in the play box.
You can find the play box at right bottom.
And check the checkbox named as 'repeat'.
Then click the button named as 'play'.

If you feel that Miku is moving un-natually, please drag the red cross on the left bottom.
By this manipulation, Miku will be moving smoothly.

Custumized Metallic Miku model
I have used these data to get the above Miku model.

■ 4th September, 2009 ■
【New version 5.10 of MikuMikuDance was released!】

I have a big news. The new version, ver.5.10 of MikuMikuDance was released. It has the new function called as 'Sphere Mapping'. By this function, Miku has the metallic costume and new hair.
You can find two '.sph' files in the folder 'MikuMikuDance_v510/UserFile/Model'. These files are actually '.bmp' file. If you would rename these files to '.bmp', you would be able to edit them by using paint/image software. You can change the colors of Miku's ware and hair easilly.
Sphere Mapping Method (from VPVP wiki)                       Old type (from VPVP wiki)

Sorry! This page is under construction.
I would like to create the pages for MikuMikuDance Fan in English.
My ability is poor regarding English. So please wait with patience.


 樋口さんがBulletを実装したMikuMikuDance5βを開発。07/02 正式リリース。

なんとGoogle Chromeだけでなく、IE8, Firefoxでも使えますね。これはイイ!
O3D(3D CANVAS)プラグインのダウンロード・ページはこちら
うっ!結構、速いんでないか? これは便利かもしれない。
三角形の総数(cubePrimitive.numberPrimitives)、頂点数(cubePrimitive.numberVertices)、頂点リスト(positionArray)、テクスチャーマッピングUV座標リスト(texCoordsArray)、三角形を構成する頂点番号リスト(indicesArray)、テクスチャー・イメージ・ファイルのURL(例:path = path.substring(0, index+1) + 'Article.files/3Dworld2.jpg';)を与えればモデルが定義できる。
viewInfo.drawContext.view = g_math.matrix4.lookAt(
[0, 1, 4.5], // eye
[0, 0, 0], // target
[0.2, 1, 0]); // up
今話題の2D CANVASによる3D CGのデモ・プログラムから『はちゅね』のデータをお借りしてテストしてみる。(注:gyu.queさんの使用されている2D CANVASはほぼChrome専用です。)

■ 5th July, 2009 ■
【MikuMikuDance5 How to create the beautiful Aho-hair】

(at the zoo in Singapore)
(in London)
■ 4th July, 2009 ■
【MikuMikuDance5 I have added the physical engine into Little Hake.】


(at the zoo in Singapore)
■ 2nd July, 2009 ■
【MikuMikuDance5beta I have added the physical engine into Little Miku. [2]】



■ 1st July, 2009 ■
【MikuMikuDance5beta has the special editor in order to add the physical engine into your original model.】


■ 30th June, 2009 ■
【MikuMikuDance5β 重力設定で『風』が表現可能に!!】

■ 29th June, 2009 ■



■ 28th June, 2009 ■
■ 24th June, 2009 ■

■ 15th June, 2009 ■
■ 30th April, 2009 ■
動画連続再生ツール  (I am making the prototype of MovieViewer.)